I haven't been into video games in a long time but was seriously considering a PS5 when the KOTOR remake was announced a couple years back. Guess I'll just have to replay them on Steam.

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Yeah buddy! Xbox and Switch have a lot of the old games to play right now like KOTOR 1 and 2 and others of that primo 2001-2005 Star Wars gaming era.

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I bought a switch as a covid impulse purchase but sold it cause I didn't use it enough. I keep thinking about a steam deck, but I just don't know if I'd get my moneys worth out of it.

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Stream Deck seems awesome. I have friends who are in love with theirs - especially the new model that came out. I can't justify the money on it but hope to get one some day.

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I felt the same way this year when I re-played KotOR I and II, hadn't aged. Sure the graphics are lower res and the animations aren't as fluid but who cares, these games have good stories and good gameplay which is a lot more than can be said of plenty of other games.

Cannot believe DA:I is 10+ years old. I remember being very disappointed in that game compared to DA 1 & 2 to the point that I haven't touched a BioWare game since and don't plan too.

I made the wrong call in the Dantooine murder investigation quest but my game bugged out, save corrupted and I had to re-do it. Glad it did too because I got it right the second time.

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I miss the old days of BioWare so much! I have no idea what that company is anymore. It is fun to see so many mechanics so clearly used later on in Mass Effect. Video games really used to be something.

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